
Translation prefixes indicate where to find the string for translation.


Before you begin

Role required: admin


  1. To enable prefixes on field labels for the current user session, navigate to System Localization > Enable I18N Debugging.

  2. To disable prefixes for the current session, navigate to System Localization > Disable I18N Debugging.


  • For the prefix TRF, navigate to System Localization > Translated Names / Fields.

  • For the prefix MSG, navigate to System Localization > Messages.

  • For the prefix GMLD, navigate to System Localization > Field Labels.

  • For the prefix TRT, navigate to System Localization > Translated Text.

  • For the prefix CHC, navigate to System Localization > Choices.

Some few strings may not display translatable prefixes. This means that the string is not stored on any of these four tables. This behavior occurs with text embedded in images, such as the buttons in the Service Catalog, or text defined by properties, such as the text which follows the banner.

What to do next

You must refresh your browser after accessing one of these modules to apply the change.




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