类Unix操作系统(如Mac OS,Linux等);
在这里,我使用的是阿里云,Mac OSX,Windows XP(在mac上的一个虚拟机)。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/local/bin/python import socket import sys import threading con = threading.Condition() HOST = "云空间的IP地址" PORT = 端口 data = '' s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print 'Socket created' s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen(10) print 'Socket now listening' def clientThreadIn(conn, nick):#开辟线程 global data while True:#接受客户端数据 try: temp = conn.recv(1024) if not temp: conn.close()#连接关闭 return NotifyAll(temp) print data except: NotifyAll(nick + " leaves the room!") print data return def NotifyAll(sss):#广播 global data if con.acquire(): data = sss con.notifyAll() con.release() def ClientThreadOut(conn, nick):#客户端输出 global data while True: if con.acquire(): con.wait() if data: try: conn.send(data) con.release() except: con.release() return while 1: conn, addr = s.accept() print 'Connected with ' + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1]) nick = conn.recv(1024) NotifyAll('Welcome ' + nick + ' to the room!') print data print str((threading.activeCount() + 1) / 2) + ' person(s)!' conn.send(data) threading.Thread(target = clientThreadIn , args = (conn, nick)).start()#开辟线程 threading.Thread(target = ClientThreadOut , args = (conn, nick)).start() s.close()