
OS: windows 2008 R2


SEPM -- > 12.1 RU4 SBE (Small Business Editon)

SEPM -- > 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE (Enterprise Edition)


Download the latest version of SEPM from Symantec Fileconnect website with your Symantec serial number.

Double click the setup.exe

Application will detect that you have installed a version ofSEPM, and ask you to backup your database

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Click “Install” after you backup your database

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Popup a note that upgrade to version 12.1.6608.6300, this isthe latest version for now.

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)


Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

Now , upgrade successfully.

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)

12.1.x SBE version SEPM can easily and smoothly upgrade toEnterprise version.

Refer article:

Upgradeand migration paths

SymantecEndpoint Protection 12.1.6 can migrate seamlessly over the following:

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.5337.5000 (RU5)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4100.4126 (RU4 MP1),12.1.4104.4130 (RU4 MP1a), and 12.1.4112.4156 (RU4 MP1b)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4013.4013 (RU4) and12.1.4023.4080 (RU4a)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.3001.165 (RU3)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.2100.2093 (RU2 MP1)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.2015.2015 (RU2)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.1101.401 (RU1 MP1)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.1000.157 (RU1)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.671.4971 (RTM)

·        Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.x

·        Symantec EndpointProtection Small Business Edition 12.0 (the reverse is considered a downgradeand is not supported)

Supported upgrade and migration paths to Symantec EndpointProtection 12.1.x

Table: License update actions duringan upgrade

Symantec SBE 版本升级到 EE 企业版 (12.1 RU4 SBE to 12.1 RU6 MP3 EE)



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