


declare i int;
declare numareaId int(10);
declare currentareaId int(10);
SELECT COUNT(areaId),MIN(areaId) INTO @a,@b FROM option_area_info;
SET numareaId=@a;
SET currentareaId=@b;
loop1:WHILE numareaId>0 DO
SET @AID = currentareaId;
SET i=1;
while i<8 do
if exists(select * from statistics_player_l where createTime>=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set oneDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 1 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set twoDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 2 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set threeDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 3 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set fourDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 4 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set fiveDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 5 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set sixDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 6 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeupdate statistics_player_l set sevenDayPlayer=(select ((select count(distinct playerId) from log_login where registerTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and loginTime>=date_add(date_sub(curdate(),interval i day),interval 7 day) and loginTime=date_sub(curdate(),interval i day) and createTimeend if;
SET i=i+1;
end while;
SET numareaId=numareaId-1;
SET currentareaId=currentareaId+1;
END WHILE loop1;




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